
Throughout these terms and conditions:

  • “we”, “us” and “our” refers to Alible Nutrition and any persons working for or on behalf of Karen Austin, trading as Alible Nutrition, at 36 Welbeck Street, Whitwell, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 4TW.
  • “you” and “your” refers to the client using our service, website or social media, or person/s using these items on their behalf.

If you are not the client, you accept that we ask you to demonstrate your authority to request the service on their behalf (see Privacy Policy).

By using our website, social media or services you agree to the following terms and conditions, including our Privacy Policy.

Clients receiving Nutritional Therapy, Nutritional Review or Nutrition Power Hour services are required to read and digitally/electronically sign a copy of the BANT Terms of Engagement, which will be arranged on booking the service.

Standard working days are Monday-Friday, not including England bank holidays.

Prices may be updated without prior notification.

Standard payment methods accepted are debit or credit card.

We may update these terms and conditions without notice.  This version was published in May 2024.

Service Limitations: Nutritional Therapy, Nutritional Review and Nutrition Power Hour

You understand that we do not have medical qualifications and cannot:

  • diagnose medical conditions
  • give advice regarding prescribed or recommended conventional medication and/or treatments.

Clients are responsible for contacting their medical health advisers regarding any health concerns and may be referred to them by us.

We base our analysis, feedback and recommendations on the information you provide in any questionnaires and forms you are asked to complete by us, and your consultations.  You therefore agree to provide complete, accurate and relevant information in these documents.

The analysis, feedback and recommendations we provide are based on your circumstances and lifestyle, along with scientific understanding at the point in time at which they are given.  Alible Nutrition cannot be held responsible for advice not being applicable in the future due to changes in your own circumstances, health or lifestyle, or scientific advances.

Specific results cannot be guaranteed due to the number of contributors involved in health management.  Your level of commitment and ability to implement agreed actions will affect the outcomes.

The timescales stated in the packages are approximate, according to the interval between consultations.  The time range given is based on consultations taking place 6-8 weeks apart from the date of the first consultation, not including any pre-package discussions.  Therefore, 3 month packages consist of 3 consultations, and 5 month packages consist of 4 consultations.  See below for rescheduling of consultations.

Service Limitations – Business Clients

For any business clients requiring a nutritional review of your canteen or day nursery menus.  You understand that we base our analyses on the general health requirements of healthy individuals and so it may not relate to any of your customers who have specific dietary requirements.

Our analysis, feedback and recommendations are based on the information you provide regarding the food you sell/serve.  You therefore agree to provide complete, accurate and relevant information to ensure the advice you receive is appropriate.

Our analysis, feedback and recommendations are only relevant to the menu data you provide to us.  You may not use it to reflect the health value of alternative, future or amended menu items.

Alible Nutrition cannot be held responsible for advice not being applicable following future scientific advances.

Website and Social Media

The information provided on our website and social media pages is based on our research and interpretation.  It is provided for general purpose and not for self-diagnosis of any health conditions or treatments, and is not considered applicable to all person/s.

Alible Nutrition does not endorse any products or services provided by third-parties that may be referred to on these pages.  Any links to third-parties are provided for your convenience and information – the content of the target site has not been reviewed in full by us and we are not responsible for any information on there.

Terms of use – when posting or responding to any posts on our Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn accounts you:

  • Agree not to submit any media that contains personally identifiable (beyond your profile id) or sensitive information of you or of anyone else.
  • Have the permission of all persons appearing in any media that you share for you to make this contribution and grant rights described herein.
  • Understand that it is strictly prohibited to upload media of any kind that contain expressions of hate, abuse, offensive images or conduct, obscenity, pornography, sexually explicit or any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable law or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with these Terms and Conditions.
  • Agree not to upload any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or this website.
  • Grant us a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, print, display, reproduce, modify, publish, post, transmit and distribute the media and any material included in the media.

Any posts made to the Alible Nutrition Facebook page will require approval before they are published.

The cookies used on our website are detailed in the Privacy Policy.

Payment, Deposits and Cancellations (Nutritional Therapy, Nutritional Review and Nutrition Power Hour)

You agree to pay the advertised cost at the point of ordering.  We reserve the right to update prices; however we will honour the price advertised at the time you ordered the service during any overlapping period.

Nutritional Therapy and Nutritional Review packages require deposits to be paid at the point of ordering.  This will be redeemed against the cost of the full payment at end of the first consultation.  We will not refund any payments if you cancel the order less than two working days prior to the first consultation.  Standard working days are Monday-Friday, not including bank holidays.  See below re missed consultations, or rescheduling of consulations.

Nutrition Power Hour bookings require full payment at the point of purchase.  We will not refund any payments if you cancel the order less than two working days prior to the consultation.  Standard working days are Monday-Friday, not including bank holidays.  See below re missed consultations, or rescheduling of consultations.

Payments can be made online using credit card.  Bank transfers may be accepted with prior agreement.

A ‘cooling off’ period of 14 working days applies to the payment of Nutrition Power Hour, and Nutritional Therapy and Nutritional Review full balance payments, unless the requested service consultations take place within that period.  If you wish to cancel your package during this time, the balance of payment (i.e. the package price, less the deposit paid previously) will be returned; after this time, no refund will be given.  If you wish to ‘downgrade’ the package you have selected during this period, the difference in package price will be refunded (Nutritional Therapy and Nutritional Review only).  Please provide written notice of your wish to cancel or alter your selected package during the ‘cooling off’ period via email to

Any refunds will be paid within 14 working days of the cancellation.

Consultation Re-scheduling/Missed Consultations (Nutritional Therapy, Nutritional Review and Nutrition Power Hour)

We accept that consultation appointments may need to be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances however, you should rearrange consultations at the earliest opportunity.

Nutritional Therapy and Nutritional Review consultations can be rescheduled to a new date up to 3 weeks from the planned date (if you need to reschedule the same consultation more than once, this timeframe applies to the original appointment date).  If the consultation cannot be held within this time, the appointment will be forfeited with no refund issued; any following consultations that have been arranged and/or form part of the package will continue as planned.  Consultations that are rescheduled for longer than one week beyond the original planned date, may require subsequent consultations to be rearranged also to ensure a 6-8 week timeframe in between consultations.

Nutrition Power Hour consultations may be rescheduled to a new date.  However, if the session is rescheduled to a date longer than 4 weeks after the original planned date, new paperwork may be required.  Consultations can be rescheduled a maximum of two times.

If you miss a consultation without prior notice (including missed consultations due to issues with internet connections), this consultation will be forfeited with no refund issued.  Any remaining consultations that form part of your package will continue as planned.

Payment, Deposits and Refunds (Business Nutritional Review Clients)

You agree to pay the advertised cost at the point of ordering.  Payment should be made in full at the point of ordering.

Refunds for cancellations:

  • If you cancel the order more than 10 working days prior to the first consultation, a full refund will be given; if you cancel less than 10 working days prior to the first consultation a 50% refund will be given.
  • If you cancel between the first consultation and the first revised menu review meeting a 25% refund will be given.

Any refunds will be paid within 14 working days of the cancellation.

It is expected that the revised menu review will take place no longer than 12 months after the feedback meeting (i.e. the second consultation), based on the possibility of seasonal menu cycles.

All consultations can be rearranged by up to 2 months from the date they have been originally planned – if they do not take place within this timeframe, the consultation will be forfeited and no refund will be issued (see above re refunds for cancellations).

Standard working days are Monday-Friday, not including bank holidays.

Prices may be updated without prior notification.

Standard payment methods accepted are PayPal, debit or credit card.

Payment, Deposits and Refunds (Talks and Training)

You agree to pay the advertised cost at the point of ordering.  Payment should be made in full at the point of ordering.

Refunds for cancellations:

  • If, as a paying delegate, you cancel your attendance less than 5 working days before the session, no refund will be given.  If the event is spread over more than one day, at least one week apart, no refund will be given for cancellation with less than 5 working days before the first session; or at any time after that session.  Difficulty attending a subsequent session can be discussed and negotiated at the appropriate time.
  • If, as a paying talk/training host, you cancel the event less than 5 working days before the event, no refund will be given.

If we need to cancel an event, a full refund will be given to the paying host, or to the paying delegate, as appropriate.  For an event spread over more than one day, please see the terms of conditions of that specific event, if the cancellation refers to sessions after the course has commenced.

Any refunds will be paid within 14 working days of the cancellation.