Health Help

Five Ways Nutritional Therapy Can Help You

What are your thoughts about nutritional therapy?  Do you think it is all about cutting out foods and adding in supplements?  This is a common perception of nutritionists, [...]

2022-11-17T09:40:48+00:0026th November 2021|General Interest, Health Help|Comments Off on Five Ways Nutritional Therapy Can Help You

What is the Difference Between Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy?

Two very different conditions, frequently confused.  As an “allergy mum” myself I frequently see and hear these terms being mixed up, but getting it wrong may have serious [...]

2022-11-21T11:23:32+00:0024th November 2021|General Interest, Health Help|Comments Off on What is the Difference Between Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy?

Five Tips to Reduce Sugar in Your Family’s Diet

UK children eat too much sugar: not just a little bit, but MORE THAN DOUBLE the amount recommended for children (PHE, 2019).  This is bad for their health [...]

2022-11-21T11:20:48+00:0012th November 2021|General Interest, Health Help|Comments Off on Five Tips to Reduce Sugar in Your Family’s Diet

Plant Protein – How Much do Vegetables Contain?

Have you seen infographics circulating about the protein content of veggies?  Beware, all may not be as it seems! An Instagram post recently shared by my [...]

2022-11-17T14:17:02+00:0020th October 2021|General Interest, Health Help, Nutrient Nugget|Comments Off on Plant Protein – How Much do Vegetables Contain?

Free Radicals (Antioxidant Friday Five Series Part 1)

To start the Antioxidant Friday Five series, I decided to discuss free radicals.  I thought it may help to explain the problem before giving you information on how [...]

2022-11-22T12:44:49+00:0017th September 2021|General Interest, Health Help|Comments Off on Free Radicals (Antioxidant Friday Five Series Part 1)

What is the Nutritional Impact of Cigarette Smoking?

I know, we’ve all heard many times how bad smoking is for us, but did you know that smoking can affect your nutritional status too?  This Friday Five [...]

2022-11-21T15:20:07+00:0010th September 2021|General Interest, Health Help|Comments Off on What is the Nutritional Impact of Cigarette Smoking?
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